Holland, Zuid Holland, Oostvoorne, Wn. 111 H., Bpt. 46.
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1 hour incl. the walk.
Oostvoorne, Rockanje in sea.
WBN, KVA Dordrecht, Stp.Gr. Oostvoorne, Wn. 111 H, Bpt. 46.

This location lies between Rockanje and Oostvoorne, in sea and depending of the tide it is visible.
You follow the road, "Kreekpad" and then you park the car. You will need to walk for almost an hour before you will find the bunkers.
The only bunker that we could identify is a 667. There are still some remains left of other buildings, but hard to recognize.

1x 667 Small embrasured emplacement for 5cm tank gun.
3x Unknown buildings.
© bunkerpictures - type 667
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