Holland, Zuid Holland, Oostvoorne, Wn. 101 M., Bpt. 36a.
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30 min
Oostvoorne, Kruiningergors, Heindijk-Bollaardsdijk.
WBN, KVA Dordrecht, Stp.Gr. Oostvoorne, Wn. 101 M, Marine Flumgerät, Bpt. 36a.

The location lies north-east of the town of Oostvoorne, at the end of the Heindijk/Bollaardsdijk.
This radar site, was called a "Flugzeug Meldung Gerät - Flumgerät" and was used to spot the enemy planes.
To protect the radar installation the Germans built a protecting concrete wall, a "Sb Sonderbau", partly on top of a M151 bunker. In the bunker was place for the guards and the crew for the radar.
After the war a concrete plateau has been built on the former radar protection wall, for use in the Cold War air defence system. This gives the whole site a rather strange look.

1x M151 Quarter for 1 officer, 2 NCOs and 24 privates.
1x Sb Freya radar, Flumgerät.
© bunkerpictures - Type M151
© bunkerpictures - Type Freya radar