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Hoek van Holland, Strandboulevard.
WBN, KVA Dordrecht, Festung Hoek van Holland, Radar/Zeetoren, Wn.15 H.M.

At the northern end of the Strandboulevard in Hoek van Holland stays now a days the "Zeetoren". Originally it was a tower build by the Germans during the war, as protection for there FuMO 2 (Calais 2) radar system. This type of radar had a reach for about 15-20 km.
After the war to remaining tower was used for new harbour facilities as radar and radio beacon. Today you can visit the location and climb up to the top of the tower.

1x Radar protection tower.
Holland, Zuid Holland, Hoek van Holland.
© bunkerpictures - FuMO radar - Zeetoren
© bunkerpictures - FuMO radar - Zeetoren